Saturday, February 1, 2025

Equity and People with Disabilities

I decided to become a social worker and ADA coordinator because I wanted to work with individuals with disabilities on independent living. I wanted to work with people on self-confidence teaching them that they CAN be contributing members of society. Disabilities have always been a big part of my life. Not only do I use a wheelchair, but I have learning disabilities and epilepsy.

When it comes to enabling people with disabilities to be contributing members of society you don't need to think of just equality. It isn't just making sure places have ramps etc. It is both disability equity and equality.
Equality is having the same resources or opportunities for everyone, no matter what their individual needs are. Equity is understanding that there are individual differences and providing resources to meet those specific needs. Disability equality is ensuring that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as people without disabilities. Disability equity addresses barriers and provides additional support to those with disabilities. Equality might lead to unequal outcomes if individuals have different situations. Equity seeks to achieve fair outcomes. Equality might mean everyone receives the same things whether they have a disability or not. Equity would provide additional resources enabling equal outcomes. Equity may require listening to individuals with disabilities to understand their unique challenges and needs. Understand that equity doesn't mean a person with a disability isn't looking for handouts. They want the same opportunity as everyone else.

Saturday, November 2, 2024


Through the history of our country people with disabilities weren’t thought of with voting rights. The laws that were passed didn't include people with disabilities. Even though some laws were passed like the civil rights act making sure that minorities had equal rights based on race, gender etc., it didn't include people with disabilities.

Many laws didn't say people with disabilities officially were not allowed to vote (although some laws though history did say people with disabilities couldn't), they just couldn't because voting places or voting ballots were not required to be accessible. When the ADA was passed in 1990 part of it included voting. Accessible accommodations protected by law include:

Allowing someone to help you vote (cannot be your employer or union representative)

Providing handrails on all stairs at the voting locations

Accessible parking at voting places

Voting and election materials in large print

Entrances and doorways at the voting location that are at least 32 inches wide

Wheelchair-accessible voting locations, both inside and outside

At least one accessible voting device at EVERY location. These devices help voters who are blind, visually impaired, or have other accessibility needs.

Allowing service animals

Poll workers to help you use accessible voting devices

***Drop off boxes are also required to be accessible for people with disabilities.

If you have any questions contact your local election office. The information should be on their website as well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Budgeting is a big part of life and a person's independence.  It can be overwhelming to anyone.  This is especially true if you're just starting to learn how. 

You can start by understanding and defining what budgeting is.  I try to keep the definition simple.
Budgeting can be summarized in two things:
1.  Understanding how much money we have
2.  How we spend your money

That may seem like common sense but not necessarily, especially when we're stressed out overwhelmed with just the idea of budgeting.  By keeping it simple it makes it easier to do one thing at a time.

Even though there are many ways to spend our money during a month, what it really comes down to is wants and needs

Independent living involves figuring out the essential monthly expenses first. Once you figure those out then you know how much you have left over for other things we enjoy like doing things with friends etc.  Many times people don't realize that then they run into trouble because they don't have enough money to pay for essential things like rent.  

I have a budgeting sheet I give to students working on independence.  This is to put on the refrigerator.  With technology you can just put them on your phone calendar and or computer as a reoccurring event on the due date.   

Not everyone has the things I have below.  The idea is to list things that fit you specifically. 

1. Rent or mortgage                Due date

2. Utilities                                  Due date

3. Groceries                              Due (N/A)

4. Secured debts                       Due date

5. Child support                        Due date

6. Auto insurance                     Due date

7.  Medical insurance              Due date

8. Prescriptions                        Due date

9. Transportation (bus tickets, pass, gas) Due

10. Phone                                  Due date

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Super CyclistYou don’t always have to look far to find everyday superheroes; sometimes, it’s the person sitting next to you on the bus. C-VAN rider Dave Carl is one of them. He may not have x-ray vision or a fancy costume, but he has the passion and drive to do things that others may assume he cannot. Dave has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. Those who don’t know him may see his chair and underestimate what he is capable of, but you’ll find that they are putting limits on him that don’t exist. Dave’s superpower is that he knows what he can accomplish and is his own best advocate.

Dave is the author of two children's books: Super Cyclist Saves the Day, and Super Cyclist Battles Stinkball Man. The hero of the books, John, uses a wheelchair. In the books, John feels a calling to fight crime, but he is used to people telling him what he isn’t capable of due to his disabilitysound familiar? Throughout the books, John casts aside the ideas that others have about him and his abilities and works relentlessly toward his goals. The books show children that even if their path to their goal isn’t the same as everyone else’s, they can still do great things and should believe in themselves. Dave also puts his writing skills to use on his blog, The blog is a spot for him to share personal experiences and resources surrounding independent living. Dave graciously agreed to chat with us about his projects and his very personal connection to them. 

Would you mind telling us a bit about your disability and some ways that it impacts your life?

I have spina bifida, and I also have a seizure disorder. As somebody with spina bifida, I use a wheelchair full time. Actually, with the seizures, when I was in high school and college, one thing that affected my ability to concentrate was reading, so I actually had to have everything read to me, which is why this [writing books] was such a big thing for me to do.

Do you remember how old you were when you noticed that people treated you differently because of your disability?

Well, I first remember, probably middle school. That was probably the roughest time with getting bullied, and things like that. Before that it was just who I was, I still did the activities that my siblings did and stuff like that.

How did you get into writing?

First it was something more to do if I wasn’t feeling good. If I had a long hospital stay, it was something to do. It was just general writing. Writing stories, maybe kind of a journal, diary type stuff. Eventually I started writing down more fictional stories. When I started out as a social worker, I decided to make it more into stories to help other people. Because independent living is my focus as a social worker, I thought I may as well help kids on their way toward independence, to start with young kids on their self-confidence. 

What similarities do you share with the hero of your books, John?

I would say number one that I’ve always used the wheelchair, but also, a lot of times, the things that he does on a daily basis. I tell people that I can do things. It’s very common for people to come up to me and say I feel bad for you because you can’t do certain thingsyou can’t play sports, you can’t work, you know, all of these things. That’s something I’ve heard my entire life, including adulthood. That’s one thing the main character has to prove, is that yes he can, he can do things other people can’t do. Part of it is overcoming obstacles and proving to yourself that you can do the things you want to do, which is the big thing that the main character has to do.

Is there any other part of your life that has inspired your books?

A big inspiration is what I see as a social worker, because I see a lot of people, I work with a lot of people who are very big inspirations to me. I see them and it’s like, “Oh, wow, that is pretty cool that they do that.” A lot of times people will say, “Oh, that’s so cool,” and they’re the ones that showed me. Everybody has ups and downs in their lives, and it’s like wow, it just helps me. You may think I’m the one helping you, but you’ve helped me. You have shown me that even if things aren’t great, I can still do it, it takes time. Another thing would be from my family. My family has been huge when it comes to teaching me that it’s so important to see myself and my abilities before the wheelchair. Those are my earliest memories, my parents fighting for me, and they taught me to fight for myself, and to become my own best advocate. All of my writing has to do with self-confidence, with believing in yourself, with understanding just because somebody says you can’t do something doesn’t mean it’s true.

You have a blog where you focus on independent living. How has C-VAN helped you live independently?

C-VAN helps me a great deal because number one it enables me to get to work. Instead of everyone having to drive me to appointments, to the store, I have the independence because of C-VAN to do these things on my own. It teaches me not only do I have the ability, but it teaches me how to do it, it teaches me how to make decisions, how to ride transportation, how to access transportation. Without C-VAN I would not have any of these skills, I would not have any of these opportunities to access all of these things independently. That’s what I teach is when it comes to independent living, it’s not just living on your own. It’s decision making, it’s self-confidence, it’s accessing resources. All of those are different aspects of a person’s independence. That’s why C-VAN is so important when it comes to my own personal independence.

Do you have other local resources you would like to point people toward who are interested in independent living?

I’m actually the Board President of PEACE which is Parents Empowered and Communities Enhanced. It helps families of people with development disabilities and individuals with developmental disabilities themselves to access resources and to overcome obstacles and things like that. One of the things I do on the board is co-teach a Building Independence class which is every Thursday night over Zoom.

What is the main thing that you hope children take away from your writing? 

The main thing that I hope is that people understand that just because someone says that you can’t do something doesn’t mean it’s true, and that you need to follow your dreams. Those are two very big messages that I’m always trying to give to kids. Actually on the back of my book that’s a quote, and it's a very big message in the book. 

Is there anything else you’d like people to know?

I just love to let people know that it’s important for people to see themselves before they see their disability. It’s important to see your abilities before you see whatever problems are going on in your life.

Monday, November 1, 2021

                                                         Decision making

When it comes to decision making, many people don't realize the impact it has in our lives and independence.  Many think that decision making is only major things like deciding where to live or work or maybe decisions that have to do with health. 
Our lives are full of making decisions.  Even the small things in life are decisions.  It's common for people to not see them as decisions instead "living life".  When we decide what to wear, what to eat whether to ask for help or accept help etc.. Those are decisions. 
In other words we have more experience than we think.  Use our experience to make bigger decisions. Below is a general way to make decisions:

Define the issue - does it need action? If so, now? Is the decision urgent?  
  1. Gather all the facts and understand their causes.
  2. Think about or brainstorm possible options and solutions.
  3. Consider and compare the pros and cons of each option - consult if necessary - it probably will be.
  4. Select the best option
  5. Explain your decision to those involved and affected, and follow up to ensure