Monday, November 1, 2021

                                                         Decision making

When it comes to decision making, many people don't realize the impact it has in our lives and independence.  Many think that decision making is only major things like deciding where to live or work or maybe decisions that have to do with health. 
Our lives are full of making decisions.  Even the small things in life are decisions.  It's common for people to not see them as decisions instead "living life".  When we decide what to wear, what to eat whether to ask for help or accept help etc.. Those are decisions. 
In other words we have more experience than we think.  Use our experience to make bigger decisions. Below is a general way to make decisions:

Define the issue - does it need action? If so, now? Is the decision urgent?  
  1. Gather all the facts and understand their causes.
  2. Think about or brainstorm possible options and solutions.
  3. Consider and compare the pros and cons of each option - consult if necessary - it probably will be.
  4. Select the best option
  5. Explain your decision to those involved and affected, and follow up to ensure 

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